Monday, April 19, 2010

Transcending the Kitchen

The smell of fresh cut grass. The feel of the lingering warmth of dusk in the air. The wonderful smell of cooking meet filling the nostrils. Welcome to the world of grilling. As I have have gotten older, I have found that I am developing a love of cooking out on the grill. There's just something about cooking meet under a charcoal or propane-generated flame that just makes you feel like a man. It's kind of funny though. For as long I can remember (and way before hand, as well), the roll of cooking has fallen on the woman. It has become a symbol of femininity to enjoy cooking. If you asked a man if he enjoys baking or preparing new recipes, chances are he will say "no". However, if you were to suggest that his wife (or any other woman, for that matter) prepare dinner on the grill, he will look at you like you have just asked to castrate him. I know this sounds incredibly chauvinistic, but I honestly believe that this is the way it is. Now, please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that "the woman's place is in the kitchen" or any other sexist bullcrap like that. I am just saying that society tends to have the woman in the kitchen more of then than the male. Anyway, back to the subject at hand. After thinking about this for a while, I believe I have found the major components that separate the grill from the stove: four walls and a roof. Grilling brings together two things that men love: nature and meat. Men (most, at least)enjoy being outside! In a small way, it reminds us of the days when we lived and thrived in the wilderness. The smell of sizzling beef is reminiscent of the time when we hunted our own food, prepared it, and cooked it with our own hands. And there is just something about a big hunk of ground beef or a thick steak that just makes a man's taste buds on the verge of jumping out of his mouth. It makes us feel as that we've conquered the beast! The combination of taste and power creates a feeling in a man's soul that can be equaled by little else. So men, as we enter the summer months, I encourage you to fire up the grill and enjoy the experience that is cooking out. Get yourselves a package of burgers, a few steaks, a pack of brats, or some Ball Park hot dogs, and allow yourself to enjoy the great outdoors.